Friday, June 14, 2013

Let there be light!

I wanted to try my hand at a lamp, thinking if I can do furniture a lamp would be a piece of cake.

Well...yes and no.

Instead of spray painting the lamp I found at DAV, I decided to use this gorgeous shade of paint i am going to paint a desk with. It is Swizzle Stick from Valspar, and it is yummy-licious! (I am really beginning to love all things Valspar - they have FABULOUS spray paint, and love their colors in their Signature line of paint!)

I followed my normal steps of cleaning up the lamp and then priming it with Kilz (love Kilz!) - the lamp was pretty ugly originally.

Blech, boring, and badly in need of tarting up!

So, three very thin coats of Kilz later (on purpose - when painting furniture I discourage a lone, heavy coat of primer - you run the risk of streaks and a clumpy final product after you paint.)

I also paint in very thin layers. I have found painting multiple thin layers of paint prevents drips, clumps and streaks. And the final product is so very shiny! (pardon the Firefly reference.)

Isn't she purty? No wax finish on the lamp - the shine of the paint is nice enough for me.

And since I had the paint out, I started on the drawers for the desk. 

I will chronicle this project at another time. I am going to push ahead full steam on the bedroom set I am staining. I hope to have a good portion of the set finished this weekend. The desk will be the next project I work on after the bedroom set is complete. (I am running out of room in my garage!)

More later...

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