Monday, June 3, 2013

Quick & Easy weekend DIY project...

My youngest son, who is now 17, had one remaining item from a bedroom set purchased for him when he was about 10 - a dresser. An ugly, blue and wood-toned dresser that is made purely of particle board. Over the years, we have had to replace his bed (he is over 6ft tall) and his desk (to accommodate a computer and space for homework). All the kiddo's new furniture is black. The only holdover was the dresser.

Ugly, huh? (except our Brewster - he is the cutest doggie ever).
Now when I say this dresser has seen better days, believe it. It is a tad wobbly (but overall pretty solid still) from being moved around so much over the years, and there are spots where the finish is worn through to the particle board. So, rather than sand the dresser (which I would normally do, except as it is older particle board I did not want to damage the wood in any way) I scrubbed this bad boy down with a bit of dish soap in a bucket of warm water. I then got to use my new paint sprayer to apply the primer. All I can say is WOW - it took less that five minutes to prime the dresser and all the drawers.

I have to say, I was not prepared for the over-spray. It was a good thing we had a tarp to put under it.
I primed it yesterday afternoon with the help of the hubby, who also wanted to try out the sprayer.

I waited until today to paint, but I did not use the sprayer. I had just enough black paint to finish the dresser off, but I would have run out had I used the sprayer, so I used a roller instead. The paint is also older, and had gotten quite a bit thicker that when we had initially bought it. As a result, some parts of the surface have little bubbles on them, which I am not happy with, but which my son neither noticed nor cared about when I told him. He was too stoked that his dresser would finally match the rest of his furniture. I also finished off the paint job with a coat of Minwax Paste Finishing Wax.

I replaced the knobs with shiny silver ones I found on eBay for $.99 each. With really cheap shipping, my out of pocket cost was less than $15.00 for the dresser. And it looks pretty darn good.

I'm pretty sure I have the wrong drawers in the wrong spots, but the kiddo will put them back correctly when the dresser makes it's way back down to his basement bedroom.

Overall, this re-do took less that three hours total to complete. Not too bad a result for a really bad dresser.

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