Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quick update...

We found, or rather my husband found, another table on Craigslist for $20. It is also very 70's retro, but this one is round, and is big enough that it could be a small coffee table for a smaller living room.

It has great bones, but it does need a little more rehab than the other tables. I am totally seeing a two-toned color scheme here, with black hardware.

On another note, I found out that the mid-century modern table is, in fact from the early 50's. It was manufactured by Dixie, which I learned was swallowed up by another furniture company some time ago. This little table is worth a lot more that I originally thought. I am now leaning towards staining it the original color. We will see.

Next post, hopefully, is the finished bedroom set!

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