Sunday, June 2, 2013

Shopping Surprises...

Went shopping yesterday with the hubby. My goal was to get fabric for the chair project I am working on, find paint for the chair, the two twin headboards, the desk, the phone stand/side tables and my son's dresser, which will be going from blue and wood tones to black (pics to come). I also wanted to pick up a paint sprayer and a nail gun.

It turned out to be a fruitful day :-)

Fabric was found at JoAnn fabric. I had no idea fabric was getting so darn expensive. Next time I shop for fabric, I am shopping around first. The fabric I found was 40% off, so I am pleased with the price. And it is gorgeous.

The chairs are going to be painted white. I am also going to have to replace the pad - it is squashed down and in pretty bad shape. What's really bad is that pad is so expensive I about had a heart attack. It was $32.99/yard for 2" thick foam chair padding at JoAnn Fabric. Luckily, I found foam padding at Walmart at about a quarter of the cost. I can't stress enough when you are on a budget, compare prices! We are hitting a couple thrift stores in the very near future to see what they have available as well.

Unfortunately, Porter Cable does not manufacture paint sprayers (sad face) - so we compared prices and weighed options against what we are looking to accomplish, and we went with a Wagner sprayer.

I will be testing out this bad boy today when I start re-finishing my son's dresser. I will also be applying the primer to the twin headboards and the little phone stands/side tables. I bought spray paint for the little tables, and I can't wait to see how they turn out!

We also scored a nail gun/air compressor combo at Lowes by Campbell Hausfeld. The price on the Porter Cable set was too cost-prohibitive, so we did not go with their product (sad face again). 

I will update as soon as my son's dresser is done. In addition to painting it black (that's a great song, too!) I totally lucked out finding some awesome silver knobs on eBay. Can't wait to show you!

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