Thursday, June 20, 2013


I have been waiting for a few tools to arrive so I could push forward on the bedroom set I am working on. The little wire brush (and I mean little) finally arrived last night, and the new wax I will be trying arrived yesterday afternoon.

I was using Minwax paste finishing wax on all my projects, but when I went to apply wax to the blue desk drawers, the wax started taking off the paint. To say I panicked is an understatement, but I immediately stopped applying the wax, touched up the paint, and ordered a furniture wax my friend Holly recommended on her blog, Quinnspirations. I ordered Annie Sloan Soft Wax from a local store, Shades of Amber

This stuff is amazing! I am going to use Annie Sloan wax on all my future painted pieces, and stick with Minwax for the stained pieces.

So, I used the little wire brush on the corners of the nightstand I had to re-finish, and on all the little edges on the mirror and the feet of the dressers. The mirror is the biggest pain to redo because of all the little edges and crevices.

I also had to repair a spot on the bottom edge where it fell over and the mirror broke, but you can't tell now. I then stained the first coat on the mirror, and applied another coat of stain to the nightstand  and the dresser drawer fronts.

I got the first coat on the bed rails too, but I put them up out of the way to dry, so I couldn't get a pic of them. The coolest thing I found? On one of the bed rails, I found some writing. It says Full, Maple, and Mrs. something (can't make out the name) - the pic did not come out, but I will get a better one to show later! I am so going to keep that visible since it is part of the history of the furniture set.

More as I get the pieces finished and move on to the headboard, foot board, and the dressers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the shout out!